It’s finally here! My fashion blog Second Layer. Whoop-whoop. 🙂
I’ve had a wish to have a blog for a long time. Because I love to read blogs and follow different people, discovering the world through their work, their thoughts and fashion sense.
Affinity for fashion blogs has been my secret passion for a long time. I’ve had different ideas about what my blog would be. From lifestyle blog to video production blog. From very wide topics to a specific topic. But nothing felt right. Blog about fashion was always in my mind but since I’m just a girl from a small town with not a lot of fancy clothes I wasn’t confident in my fashion repertoire. A wish was there but I didn’t have enough courage to make it happen.
In the last year everything came together. I got rid of prejudice and start to follow my heart. I started to conceptualise it, writing ideas for posts, ideas for outfits, I started to listen a podcast about blogging and found a perfect photographer, my boyfriend. And now I’m thrilled to welcome you on my blog! It’s hair-raising. 🙂 I’m still a bit on pins and needless how it’s going to turn out but I’m doing what I love and I’m passionate about it.
Good luck, looks great!
Thank you. I hope you will enjoy it. 🙂
All best fascinating us with fabulous yourself! :>
I will do my best. 🙂