November 2018 Recap

I said many times in November that I love living in the part of the world where we have all four...

October 2018 Recap

We are already deep in autumn and it is time to say goodbye to summerish Ibiza. It was warm,...

October 2017 Recap

October was awesome! You may not have gotten that idea by following the blog, but you understand...

September 2017 Recap

As every September, this one started very festively as well because of my birthday. It wasn’t...

August 2017 Recap

August came to an end and with it summer is gone. I can’t believe that it went by so quickly....

July 2017 Recap

Summer started quite late on Second Layer because of the Scotland diary, but when it started in July...

June 2017 Recap

All posts in June were from our amazing Scotland trip. I decided to document every day of our...

May 2017 Recap

The first half of May was crazy busy workwise. Our Samino studio is responsible for covering all...

April 2017 Recap

April was very exciting for Second Layer, especially because of the two completely new categories...

March 2017 Recap

March was a wonderful month. I feel like it was a fresh start for the Second Layer. Maybe because I...