After my seven years of black and withe era I’m beginning a new chapter this year. I’ve started buying and wearing coloured clothes. Many of my closest friends and family were quite vocal about my non-colour ranged wardrobe in the past but I just didn’t feel good in colours so I didn’t gave colours a chance.
Until Marko started commenting my yin-yang wardrobe. At the beginning I didn’t put his advice into consideration. But he is clever so he didn’t push me to wear colour clothes, he always said “Why don’t you give colours a try?” And so I began trying on things that looked promising. First few tries were unsuccessful. I was still in no-colour zone. After some time the idea of colourful clothes was closer and closer to me and I started buying colours. Then there was another issue: I didn’t wear any colourful clothes which I bought.
Today I still wear a lot of black and white but I give colourful pieces a chance. I like deep blue (navy blue) and brown pieces the most, and red if it is December. I still don’t get more colours on one piece or shirts with signs – the latter could be a blog for itself. The most simple one colour clothes is what I choose. Like this Nelly dress. It’s very elegant and it doesn’t need gradient or flowers or stripes. Just beautiful blue.
Noro lepo – ti, obleka in slike.
Najlepša hvala, Eva. 🙂 Obleka je tudi meni zelo zelo všeč.. Zelo lepo pade in detajl trakca na vratu je pika na i.