There was a time when men and women chose their weapons wisely, when they got dressed in boots and a trench coat, when dogs sharpened their senses and together they went on a hunting trip. A trip where they connected with nature and their primal instinct. They enjoyed it and shown that they can survive on their own. So that if the crisis will come they will handle it.
Nowadays, we dress, take our beloved pets and enjoy together on a walk. As you may know, we don’t have a pet because we don’t want this commitment yet. But we love animals. We both grew up with them. So when an opportunity came up to babysit Henri (follow him on Instagram) we dressed for the occasion and took him out to present the mansion in our town called Jelšingrad. Unfortunately it is not in it’s best shape but still, it is spectacular to look at.
Vama paše, si bo treba omislit psa. 😉
Hvala. Je zelo cart. Mogoče pa res. 😉