When seven great girls come together it means a great deal of fun. It’s even better if the location is seaside. And when one of the girls is bride-to-be you know it’s gonna be crazy. Crazy in a good way. 🙂
It was decided that we don’t want a classical bachelorette with “funny” games and but rather a nice hang out over the warm and relaxing weekend. Everything was a surprise for our bride-to-be. She didn’t know where we are going, who is going, and what we will be doing. For the intro we gave her a bridal head piece and a custom t-shirt with golden writing “Bride to be” on the front and “Futere Mrs. Trobec” on the back (Trobec is the last name she is going to inherit when she is married). At our first stop to our destination she needed to clean windows on a gas station but everything after that was jus soaking up the sun, having fun in the pool and chatting. In the evening we had a nice dinner, cake and fireworks. The next day we continued with hanging out by the pool.
It was amazing. Relaxed weekend with great girls.
I love my friends. I don’t have a lot of friends but those who I have are priceless. I know I can count on them every time I need them. And every time we spend time together it is a time best spend.