Easter was presented to me from two different perspectives.
Family from my mother’s side is very Christian and Easter is celebrated as the day of resurrection of Jesus Christ. My mom and I were committed to giving up certain types of luxuries in lent (a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for forty days not counting Sundays). We gave up sweets and meat (mum also gave up coffee). On Palm Sunday I went to the church with olive branches and day before Easter I took food to blessing. On Sunday, my mother, two brothers and me ate blessed food for breakfast.
Family from my dad’s side is non Christian and Easter is celebrated as a holiday of family. It is one of those days in the year when all the family gathers and have breakfast together. Not just parents and children but also grand parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We eat traditional food: eggs, ham, horseradish and potica (traditional Slovenian pastry consisting of a sweet yeast dough that is rolled out very thin, spread with a nut paste made from ground nuts and a sweetener like honey, then rolled up into a log shape). It is a day where we see each other, have a chat and if someone has an announcement to make, this is the day to share it with the family. If someone is pregnant, or something like that. 🙂
This year I discovered a new tradition associated with Easter from the family of my boyfriend. The whole family meets and have a breakfast together. But there is also a special guest that goes by the name Easter Bunny. He hides gifts outside or somewhere in the house and children have to find them. Like hide and seek but with gifts. A great game of delivering gifts. Life brings something new every day.
I wish you all happy Easter in any way you are celebrating it and enjoy the extended weekend.
Egg cup by Culinary Concepts from Osprey London
Nail polish Lovie dovie No. 30 by Essie
Lipstick Milano Red No. 6 by Deborah Milano
Ajda, I read all your blogs. You are conjuring up the highlights of your daily routine.
Congratulations for having the courage and the will.✌
Thank you, Ika. I’m very happy that you find it interesting to follow my blog. Your comment encourages me to do the best I can and I hope that I will keep the spark in me that keeps me going. 🙂