I love to dress up. Choosing the right dress, applying make up, choosing the shoes to match. The foreplay itself – process of getting ready – is very exciting. It’s like choosing the right ingredients for a perfect dish.
A good “excuse” to dress up is when I’m hosting an event. Being a host at ceremonies is something I have been doing occasionally for the last four years. And I enjoy at it tremendously. Probably I have that after my mom who also hosted events. My first event that I hosted was International film festival Student Cuts in Maribor. Until today I’ve hosted a lot of events at my University, including graduation ceremonies. I was also a host at some local events and different opening ceremonies.
I tell you one little secret about hosting: it is not as easy as it may seem. There is a lot of preparations. First you need to have a meeting with the client to get to know them and to discus what kind of event it is. If it is more formal or relaxed. Then you need to write the text, coordinate corrections and rehearse the text. I always fear that I will mispronounce names. I’m dyslexic and sometimes it’s hard for me to pronounce some words correctly, especially longer ones. But as the saying goes: practise makes perfect.
All of the work pays off when the event is over and hosting is well done without (major) mistakes. But above all, satisfied client and event guests is what count the most. It is especially rewarding when you receive some nice words about your work. The following comment is one that touched me the most.
Honourable Mr. Dean of the Faculty,
Thank you again for inviting me to your 10th birthday of your faculty that you live for. It was a unique experience. Especially because of your host. Congratulations! She was truly a host on a high level with academical touch which is hard to find these days. Other hosts try to attract attention by aggressively and uneasily raising the voice at the end of each sentence. On the other hand, your host was unobtrusive and seemingly shy which achieved that we listened to her from beginning of the ceremony to the end. And she lifted the moment of celebration even higher.
Sincerely yours, Borut
Hvala, Katka. <3
Rdečo šminko nosim zelo redko, ampak poleg te oblekce paše perfektno. 🙂