Today is the day of Easter Bunny with a bunch of eggs. And ham and horseradish. Christian guidance would say that Jesus with his resurrection is the important one. But in reality family plays the main role this weekend. I love family holidays. The time when everybody gathers, the house is full of people you love, all the catching-up-chats and heated debates at the table full of delicious goodies. I love the feeling when the house is alive. And Easter is one of that holidays. I’m grateful that we are a family that loves each other and that we enjoy in each other’s company.

Photos below are not from our family gathering because we will have easter breakfast later today. The captured moments are from our latest trip to Opatija where everything was ready for Easter. There was even one giant but very cute Easter Bunny. We were there two weeks ago on a rainy weekend. Evey morning before breakfast we went to the pool, had a coffee in the afternoon in one of many lovely coffee shops that Opatija has to offer and we played cards in the evening. One evening me and Marko even went to the movies in the newly opened Opatija’s cultural centre Gervais. We watched sensual and esthetic Phantom Thread. A story of a magnificent and glamour fashion designer who has a special relationship with his muse, lover, and wife. If you love fashion it is a must-see movie because there are lots of details from different processes of dressmaking included in the story. I wasn’t completely sure about the message of their depicted relationship, but it is a very well made movie and I was impressed by the elegance.

Have a nice and peaceful extended weekend with a lot of laughter, family time and love. And be on the lookout for Easter Bunny, maybe he hid something for you. 😉

Striped shirt from H&M
White jeans from H&M
Coat from Mango
Boots from H&M
Bag from H&M