Hip, hip – hurray! Hip, hip – hurray! Hip, hip – hurray!
On March 1st (27 days ago) Second Layer celebrated 3rd birthday! 🙂 And we didn’t celebrate. But we are now! 🙂 I can’t believe that the first post on this blog was made three years ago. I feel like I was so young then. With no worries and carefree. Now I have my first gray hairs, first wrinkles, and a business to run.
From now on this blog is going to be a little bit different. I will focus more on style advice, new exciting things that are coming in fashion and travel tips. This year me and Marko are getting married so I will also write about that. How we organize our wedding, about the venue, photographer, my wedding dress, honeymoon and all the things in between. Whoop-whoop. 🙂
Second Layer, let’s continue this amazing journey.